Thursday, September 25, 2008

How I Got My Blog

For some time now I have enjoyed reading my granddaughter Jenni's blog that she created as a newlywed. It gave me insight into her new life with husband Ben, and their activities. To tell the truth, I felt like I was spying on her at times, and the recipes she posted inspired me.
Recently my daughter, Marianne created her own blog, so now I get to spy on her too. They both lead very busy lives, combining the responsibilities of marriage, home, family ties, and careers with poise and self-confidence. I am excited about my new blog.!! My hope is that my activities and postings will not be boring to them.
Two cliches come to mind as I type this --- One is " you can't teach an old dog new tricks", and the other one is "you are never too old to learn". Hopefully, I will fall somewhere in the middle of these old sayings. And by the way, "old age doesn't matter unless you are cheese".!!

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